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Pinterest Promotion

I have decided to do the full version of our Knowledge Sharing & Tracking assignment and created a small collection of classroom learning-related resources that I am sharing via Pinterest. You can view my collection of classroom resources here. Please visit and take a look at what I've created! So far, I've assembled boards for substitute resources, bulletin board ideas, writing activities, social studies, math games, science experiments, and Google Classroom. Most of what I have curated has come from a collection of existing materials but I did experiment with creating my own pin. One of the substitute activities I loved to do with my students was an Instagram "Where is my teacher?" page. I gave students a blank Instagram sheet and had them illustrate where they thought I was when I was out that day. I created my own pin for this resource and so far it has the most interaction on my site. Here are some examples: 
This student thought I was out fishing like a boss with my friends. 

This student guessed that I was at home sick with the flu.

This student thought I might be in Orlando visiting Disney World.

Go ahead and check out my own pin and save it to one of your boards if it's something you're interested in!
